Sabtu, 13 November 2010

Rakhi Sawant behind bars …

Rakhi Sawant is problems!!!

Rakhi Sawant, television show, "Rakhi Ka Insaaf" host has landed in legal problems when the contestant killed themselves, when spitfire Rakhi accused him of names such as "namard" unmanly "napunsak" is impotent.

Jhansi Prem Nagar-police station, in the case of a drama queen registered Rakhi Sawant in nuclear installations against potential radiological hazards, and others.The deceased's mother took the Sawant, his bodyguards, unrecognized, videographer for the show and other similar, in the event of the death of his son.

24-year-old, who appeared in the October Laxman Show together with his wife to solve by reference in particular to marital discord was allegedly humiliated Show host Rakhi, after which the Laxman was ridiculed by his place was continuously according to his mother. [1] [2] after the Laxman had depression, stopped eating and eventually died Nov. 10 day.

UP Police DGP Brijlal, has said that Rakhi and other collected in 306 (abetment suicide) 504 (intentional infringement of the license to provoke offend the peace) and 120 (in order to make the offence punishable with planning) of the Indian Penal Code.

According to reports, if premature turvaamistoimi Rakhi does not intend to do so, he may even be arrested.

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